Specialties & Services
I work with couples and individuals
The following are some of the issues that are addressed:

Couple therapy:
working with both members of the couple
Physical violence
Fighting about money, budgeting, debts, impulsive spending, assisting the extended family
Fighting about in-laws
Fighting about parenting, discipline
Fighting about chores, roles, who does what when.
Taking each other for granted.
Nagging, constant criticism, disrespect, contempt.
Infidelity, affairs
Sexual issues
Reconciliation, evaluation or separation –
the options for a relationship

Individual therapy:
working one on one
Work/life balance
Relationship decisions
Employment decisions
Stress management
Personal growth
Low self esteem
Adult children of Addiction/alcoholics
Divorce counselling –
adjusting to being separated or divorced
Please note that at present only online sessions are available.